Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize: Proof of a World turned Upside Down?

In this episode we are going to make the case that our upside-down political conspiracy governing system is masquerading as legitimate, while branding the legitimate minority as conspiracy theorists: A system where real criminals are protected and rewarded: From players of mega financial institutions to those corrupt thieves occupying the seats of Congress; A system in which the real thieves are legitimized and rewarded monetarily and the robbed citizenry is left to bleed. And we’ll showcase a system where the worst President in history (that is, when it comes to wars of aggression, butchering liberties at home, murdering and assassinating people abroad, and prosecuting and jailing truth-tellers) is rewarded handsomely with prizes.
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 Show Notes
Obama at War Longer than any President in History
Obama's Lesser-Known Legacy: "Arms Dealer in Chief"
Are Obama's Record Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and Iraq Fueling Unrest in Middle East?
Teal Group Predicts Worldwide UAV Market Will Total $91 Billion in Its 2014 UAV Market Profile and Forecast
The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama
Obama's drone wars and the normalization of extrajudicial murder
When It Comes To Whistleblowers Obama Worse Than Nixon & Far Worse Than Bush
More on Obama’s War Against Transparency & Whistleblowers
Video: Obama's Hypocrisy - Whistleblowers Line Up to Take Back Transparency Award