Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Belgium Bombing: The Missing Context, Facts & Interests

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Belgium Bombing: The Missing Context, Facts & Interests
This is a brief presentation on several important angles and facts on the recent bombings in Belgium. As always, the deep-state-mouth-piece media is presenting the entire incident with twists and omissions, so I am going to bring up at least a few things quickly here, and later, follow up with more in-depth analyses. There are, and will be, lots to discuss and analyze on this latest Operation Gladio B synthetic terror event. Also, keep in mind, what will take place afterwards, whether it is expanding the existing wars or starting new ones, whether it is furthering police state practices, is equally if not more important than the bombing itself.
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Show Notes
Operation Gladio B
Corbett Report: Operation Gladio B Series with Sibel Edmonds
Belgian Stay Behind Network
Secret Warfare Operation Gladio & NATO’s Stay Behind Armies
Belgium Has Become Center for Extremists
Belgium Warned of Attacks
Who’s Behind ISIS?
Brussel Attack Suspects’ Images