Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Belgium Bombing: All the Gladio’s Protected Terror Men

Full-immunity for & protection of terror implementers combined with scripted forewarnings issued by Operation Gladio hubs
This is a follow-up to our previous overview of the recent Belgium Bombing carrying every single hallmark of Operation Gladio B. I present one of the common trademarks present in all Gladio B synthetic terror operations since 9/11, and illustrate how Gladio’s terror operations always come with multiple forewarnings, and how, despite all the scripted and on-the-record forewarnings, the operatives are allowed to travel, communicate, and execute the intended and synthetically-created terror plots.
There will be more to discuss and analyze on this latest Operation Gladio B synthetic terror event. In our next episode I’ll be looking at what has already been taking place since the execution of the plot, which objectives are being pushed, and who benefits from it all.
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Show Notes
Operation Gladio B
Corbett Report: Operation Gladio B Series with Sibel Edmonds
Belgian Stay Behind Network
Secret Warfare Operation Gladio & NATO’s Stay Behind Armies
Algerian Killed in Belgium Terror Raid Matches ISIS Recruitment File
Khalid & Brahim El Bakraoui: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Ibrahim El Bakraoui was on US counterterrorism watch list before Paris attacks
Belgium terror incompetence laid bare
Who is Salah Abdeslam and who were the Paris terrorists? Everything we know about the Isil attackers