Pro-gun ‘Stand Your Ground’ Sunday rallies set at all 50 state capitals

Watch out for Provocateurs…

From a previous rally sponsored but Gun Rights Across America.

Washington Examiner

In a preemptive move to put state political leaders on notice, gun advocates are planning protests Sunday at all 50 state capitals to warn elected officials that they won’t sit idly by and watch their Second Amendment rights be destroyed.
“We’re trying to be very proactive right now,” said Eric Reed, president of Gun Rights Across America, which is organizing the rallies. “I don’t want to see the gun grabbers get a jump on our constitutionally protected rights,” he told Secrets.
The protest is called “Stand Your Ground” and takes place at “high noon.” The phrase “stand your ground” is also the nickname given to laws that let citizens used deadly force when threatened.
Several of the rallies are drawing national politicians. In Louisiana, for example, Republican Sen. David Vitter is expected to attend. In Austin, Texas, former 2012 libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson will attend.
The protests come as President Obama, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and several states are preparing another round of gun-control efforts.
“This event is vital so Americans can have their voices heard. Our elected leaders work for us, and we need to make it crystal clear how we expect them to vote on this issue. The end goal is protect all gun rights for law abiding Americans,” said Reed.
Unlike the NRA, GRAA is a grassroots organization that has a history of hosting political rallies to support the Second Amendment.
The rallies on Sunday will ask lawmakers around the nation to treat gun owners as law abiding citizens, not criminals. The rally notice said:
“We are not criminals; we are law abiding American citizens,” Shannon Montague, vice president of GRAA, said in an email. “We will no longer let the misinformed and uninformed classify us into a genre that is not ours. We are American. We are protectors of the Second Amendment, we are the majority and we will ‘Stand Our Ground,’ ” she added.

