Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz & those underage sex slaves...

BTW: I have just updated this post- scroll down to read Anyone notice that Prince Andrew's  predilection for pedophilia is back in the news? Scummy Royals! And all their sick friends. Jimmy Saville  doesn't stand out in this crowd of evil psychopaths. Those we revere and allow to lead us? Like the so called 'royals'? What in the hell is royal or regal about them? Nothing. It's just your indoctrination... clouding your mind.Today: BBC- Prince Andrew- Royal Scumbag Preys on children

  • -A woman claims that between 1999 and 2002 she was forced by Epstein to have sex with the duke when she was a minor.
  • -Buckingham Palace denies "any suggestion of impropriety with underage minors" by Prince Andrew.
  • -The duke stepped down as the UK's Special Representative for Trade and Investment in July -2011 following controversy over his friendship with Epstein, who was convicted of sex offences in 2008.
  • -The pair (Epstein and the Prince) were photographed meeting in December 2010, after Epstein had served part of an 18-month prison sentence for soliciting a minor for prostitution.
  • -Prince Andrew had also visited Epstein at his Florida home over the years.
  • -Buckingham Palace said at the time: "The role as special representative will no longer exist as the Duke of York has decided to relinquish it after 10 years."

Yes, it's FLASHBACK TIME!! July 25/2010 The billionaire hedge fund pedophile mogul got away with a slap on the wristMarch 8/2011 Randy Andy & Jeffrey Epstein: The Prince and the Pedophile From the 2010 post-

"Remember this name Jeffrey Epstein. It is the name of a man,that will go down in infamy as pedophile scum bag, who gets away with it because he has money and all the right political friends"

convicted pedophileFrom one of the articles linked in that post-

Hedge fund mogul and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who went free this week, lived in a depraved world of thrice-daily massages, pornographic artwork, and hush money.• Victims alleged that Epstein molested underage girls from South America, Europe, and the former Soviet republics, including three 12-year-old girls brought over from France as a birthday gift.• The victims also alleged trips out of state and abroad on Epstein’s private jets, which would be evidence of sex trafficking

 • Epstein’s attorneys investigated members of the Palm Beach Police Department, while others ordered private investigators to follow and intimidate the victims’ families; one even posed as a police officer• Then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told The Daily Beast that he “would have instructed the Justice Department to pursue justice without making a political mess.”

Is that justice? No political mess?

  •  On Wednesday, hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein completes his one-year house arrest in Palm Beach.

Wonder at all who else flew on board the special Epstein molesting young girls airlines???I will get to that, oh yes, I will! The names that were mentioned in the 2010 post were as follows....

"Former President Bill Clinton; Prince Andrew; former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak; New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson; and former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers were just a few of the prominent passengers on his private jets"

When language is used here, by myself, such as- The psycho elites... Those that prey on us... Those that we allow to lead us... Those that abuse us... Those people that don't deserve the reverence, that is part of the illusion presented to us as reality. Those are the people that we need to kick to the curb! And I call them exactly what they are. Those are not labels. It is not name calling, oh no, it is not. It is identification of the predators of humanityBill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Ehud Barak, Larry Summers and many others are the people we allow to lead us. They are presented to us as respectable people.They are not. The lot of them are depraved, predatory, sick and evil. It's long past time to accept that reality and do what needs to be doneJust look at the roster of lawyers who came to the defense of this pedophile? Wonder if these persons felt they had something to lose, should justice actually be served

Was he able, with his limitless assets and heavy-hitting lawyers—Alan Dershowitz, Gerald Lefcourt, Roy Black, Kenneth Starr, Guy Lewis, and Martin Weinberger among them—to escape equal justice?

UPDATE!- Speaking of Alan Dershowitz? The dirt tricks heavy hittin' lawyer. How compromised was he? Hmmm....Dershowitz denies claims in Epstein lawsuit 

 Mr. Dershowitz, a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School and one of the most recognizable names in American law, helped negotiate an agreement with the federal government, which had been investigating Mr. Epstein. By agreeing to plead guilty to the state charge, Mr. Epstein avoided federal prosecution.  “It’s a completely, totally fabricated, made-up story,” Mr. Dershowitz told Law Blog in an interview Friday. “I have never had sex with an underage woman. They made up this story out of whole cloth. I’m an innocent victim of an extortion conspiracy.”

Dershowitz went to great lengths in his defence of Epstein to harass and bully victims and the police chief and detective- Why Mr Deshowitz? And now you have been named along with Prince Andrew?Perfect- Hopefully, as hubby says, the house of cards is tumblin' down!From the Daily Beast report

  Dershowitz began sending the detective Facebook and MySpace posts to demonstrate that some of these girls were no angels. Reiter’s deposition also states that he heard from local private investigators that Dershowitz had launched background checks on both the police chief and Det. Recarey. Dershowitz denies all of that

Justice was not served!

 The case against Epstein was minimized by the State Attorney’s Office, then bargained down by the U.S. Department of Justice, all in an atmosphere of hardball legal tactics and social pressures so intense that Reiter became estranged from several colleagues

As mentioned here in 2010-

 Keep in mind this Jeffrey Epstein is a well known "philanthropist"
Epstein has been a serious and respected player in the highest reaches of politics and philanthropy. He has made substantial contributions to political candidates, served on the Council on Foreign Relations, and donated $30 million to Harvard University.

Prince Andrew and that 15 year old girlThe prince and the child masseuseThe woman was just 15 years old, a child, when she first became "employed" by the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Of her experiences as a 15-year-old with Epstein, The Mail reports Ms Roberts "flushed with shame"."She was 'given' to men ranging in age from their 40s to their 60s," the paper reported.Ms Roberts said there were other girls linked to Epstein."They would lounge around ... nude or topless," she said."But I was one of the very few he trusted as 'special' and chosen to 'entertain' his friends."

All the external links look to be working in the 2010 and 2011 posts- read all about itAnd then please stop worshiping the 'royals', politicians, banksters and all the rich folk.They simply aren't worth your adoration. And certainly not worth the energy you give them from that worship state of mind.

Way more important information is contained in the previous post from today- 

Get informed Get empowered! Get Healthy! Take back your humanity!

The Chemical Manipulation of Humanity