The Price Israel Demands For Its Acceptance Of The Iranian Nuclear Deal: An Aircraft Carrier? My Take...

With little Jew spew media hype over the last while, few people are even aware that the new Iranian 'nuclear deal' that was signed off several months back is now officially in place.... This deal has been hailed for months as being "good" for Iran itself, simply because it will release the hundreds of billions in US dollars in frozen assets that have been seized illegally by the United States and its "allies"... It will also open the doors for nations to finally make trade deals with Iran itself...But there has always been the fact that the psychotic state of Israel was never officially part of that deal, due primarily to the important fact that Israel wanted no deal due to their insane lust to have Iran destroyed.... And of course behind closed doors, the United States being the full puppet of the Israeli regime was indeed making secret deals with Israel to get them to agree to the Iranian nuclear deal... It basically was Israel demanding more military hardware and even more billions of US dollars in aid!Well, we finally have some inkling of what the Israelis got out of the United States for them to agree to the Iranian deal... For according to the following article, from the Middle East Monitor website, at, it appears that besides billions of US taxpayer military hardware as the bribe for Israel to agree to the Iranian deal, one of their demands was an "aircraft carrier"!   I have that article right here for all to see for themselves, and I have my own thoughts and views on this outrageous request to follow:Israel orders aircraft carrier as part of US military aid package

Wednesday, 04 November 2015 10:41

File photo of US F-15 airforce fighter jet Israel has provided the United States with a list of weapons that it would like to have available as part of the US aid package, Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth revealed yesterday.According to the newspaper the list included a modern aircraft carrier and a squadron of F-15 aircrafts as well as material assistance to support Israel’s anti-ballistic missile system, Arrow 3.According to the newspaper Israeli officials have asked for these weapons during closed-door meetings with US officials attended by Defence Minister Moshe Ya'alon and US Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter in Washington.The list of arms exceeded the maximum assistance provided by the United States each year, amounting to nearly $3 billion, therefore it has been referred to US President Barack Obama before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House scheduled for next week, the paper reported.NTS Notes:  OK, here is some truths about this outrageous Israeli request for a "modern aircraft carrier".....First, the coastline of Israel being so tiny does not warrant a massive undertaking like an Aircraft Carrier... There are no proper berths along the Israeli coast at present that would have to be built to handle such a large ship and of course its necessary support vessels...And yes, not only is an aircraft carrier an expensive undertaking in which it alone costs billions of dollars to build and maintain, but it also would require at least several squadrons of hyper-expensive fighter and bomber aircraft for its air wings... That and the cost of maintenance for not only the ship, the air wings, and the personnel to actually man the ship, makes the cost outrageously high! And of course we cannot forget the required support vessels for an aircraft carrier... It requires its screen and support vessels when out at sea, including cruisers, frigates, and destroyers, for defense, support, and logistics, and of course a contingent of oilers for its fuel supplies (Unless the US is stupid enough to supply these psychos with a super expensive 10+ billion dollar nuclear powered carrier!)...And one major issue that is so overlooked with Aircraft Carriers... Their days of being the majestic weapon of the seas is rapidly coming to an end with the advent of more faster and more accurate missiles that in a real shooting war would turn an aircraft carrier into a blazing hulk within hours....Honestly, if the US government is this stupid to fulfill this outrageous Israeli request, then the US taxpayers would be suckered into footing the bill which would amount to tens of billions of US dollars!  But considering the way the US government is so enslaved to their Israeli Jewish masters, I would not be surprised that the US congress bows down and gives in to this outrageous request and have the US taxpayers of course foot the bill...More to comeNTS