The Power of Amla: Excellent for Treating Diabetes, Boosting Heart Health, & More

In the ancient science of Ayurveda, doctors often prescribe Indian Gooseberry, also known as Amla, or Amalaki (scientific name Phyllanthus emblica). The rejuvenating fruit has many uses; among them, the powerful fruit, full of B and C vitamins as well several other exceptional phytonutrients, helps to decrease blood glucose levels in diabetics and lower cholesterol.
In a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, as well as other peer reviewed studies, amla fruit helped with cholesterol as well as blood sugar levels. Both normal and diabetic volunteers receiving 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder significantly (P <  0.05) improved high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and lowered low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels.
As far as lowering elevated blood sugar levels in humans, amla wins again. Researchers observed that diabetic individuals who were given 1, 2, or 3 gm of amla powder everyday had decreased levels of fasting and 2 hour post-prandial blood glucose levels after 20 days. But individuals who received 3gm of amla powder showed significantly reduced sugar levels.
The study abstract reports:

“The present study evaluated the anti-hyperglycemic and lipid-lowering properties of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. fruit in normal and diabetic human volunteers. The results indicated a significant decrease (P <  0.05) in fasting and 2-h post-prandial blood glucose levels on the 21st day in both normal and diabetic subjects receiving 1, 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder per day as compared with their baseline values.
Significant (P <  0.05) decreases were also observed in total cholesterol and triglycerides in both normal and diabetic volunteers on day 21 that were given either 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder per day. However, diabetic volunteers receiving only 3 g E. officinalis powder exhibited a significant (P <  0.05) decrease in total lipids on day 21. Both normal and diabetic volunteers receiving 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder significantly (P <  0.05) improved high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and lowered low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels.”

Furthermore, there are additional studies which show that amla prevents the development of complications like diabetic neuropathy and diabetes-induced heart dysfunction in Type-2 diabetics. It seems like this incredible fruit, amla, has a positive effect on people with diabetes and can boost the health of the cardiovascular system, too.
Some added benefits of amla include keeping you young by scavenging free radicals and even boosting the lymph system so that your immunity stays high. As little as 500-1000mg daily could do the trick.