Poll: Obama’s job approval declines to 44.5 percent

Press TV – October 21, 2013

US President Barack Obama’s job approval rating has suffered one the largest quarter-to-quarter declines of his presidency, according to the latest Gallup poll.
The survey indicates that Obama averaged a 44.5 percent job approval rating during his 19th quarter in office, a decline of more than three percentage points from his 18th quarter.
The 19th quarter, which ran from July 20 through October 19, is now the third in a row in which Obama’s approval rating has declined, the poll showed.
The approval rating decreased in the middle part of the 19th quarter when he was pushing for military action against Syria, something the American public did not favor.
Furthermore, the legislative battles over the federal budget and the Affordable Care Act, as well as the federal debt limit took a toll on the president’s popularity, Gallup said.
According to a survey by Pew Research, the 16-day government shutdown pushed public trust in government near record lows, with fewer than two in 10 Americans saying they trust Washington to do what is right most of the time.
The survey also found that only 14 percent of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the US, and 81 percent said they were dissatisfied.
Recent estimates by the economists show that the US government’s policy blunders in recent years have significantly slowed economic growth and kept roughly 2 million people out of work.
On Sunday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the recent fiscal fight between Republicans and Democrats had a bruising impact on the country’s economy and eroded the confidence of both businesses and consumers.
