Poll: 25% of Israelis Believe Another “Holocaust” Is Possible

According to a recent report published by The Times of Israel, a new poll has found that roughly 25% of Israelis fear a “second Holocaust” is possible. How delusional are these people?

Israelis are worried for the future of world Jewry, a new poll has found, with a quarter of respondents believing another Holocaust could take place and almost a third agreeing that European Jews should move to Israel.
The complete findings of the survey by the World Zionist Organization will be presented on Sunday at a conference in Jerusalem devoted to new forms of anti-Semitism and the international boycott movement against Israel.
“This new data is sad and surprising,” the Hebrew-language website NRG quoted WZO Vice Chairman Yaakov Hagoel as saying. “It is inconceivable that Jews, having a country of their own, still believe the Holocaust could happen again.”
“I am not in the 25 percent that think another Holocaust may take place, but in the 75% who believe that so long as the State of Israel exists – and it will exist forever – there will not be another Holocaust. In my eyes, there was a Holocaust because we didn’t have a state. Today this would not happen,” Hagoel told Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon. […]

In other “Holocaust” related news, a U.S. appeals court recently “gave new life to a lawsuit by a group of Holocaust survivors seeking damages from Hungary for its role in the deaths of more than 500,000 Jews during World War II,” The Times of Israel reports.
Could it be any more obvious that the fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative is simply a weapon utilized by the organized Jewish community to extort massive amounts of money and endless sympathy from (formerly) White nations, demonizing any form of White racial consciousness and nationalism as “hateful” and fundamentally illegitimate in the process? It has also served as a useful tool in promoting Jewish ethnic interests and identity, as this article (and many, many others) demonstrate.
This has to be understood, especially by those of us concerned about the future of the White race. The fake “Holocaust” narrative is the number one weapon being used to demonize and slander our race and any form of White racial identity. As Eric Striker (listen to him on The Realist Report), a very talented and insightful young writer associated with Matthew Heimbach’s Traditionalist Youth Network, recently argued in a brilliant article:

Exposing the Holocaust as what it is must be one of the main tenets of any emerging Western nationalist movement. Don’t settle for anything less because this is the first – not the last – problem we need to deal with before any real work gets done.

I couldn’t agree more – Striker is spot on. The fake “Holocaust” must be directly confronted and exposed, especially considering how central it is to not only Jewish identity, but the Jewish agenda to genocide the White race. The fake “Holocaust” narrative is a weaponized, entirely false version of history that has and continues to be used against the White race and White racial consciousness.
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