Political Correctness Run Amok: Man Wears Confederate Flag Shorts In Canada, And Some CANADIANS Get Offended (!)

Knowing what I know about the true history of the United States, and especially its Civil War of 1861-1865, it is ridiculous to see so many Americans suddenly "offended" by the Confederate battle flag... Many of them are unaware or totally oblivious to the truth about the Confederate flag and how it actually stood for freedom from a tyrannical federal government.... As I stated in my last article, people everywhere should be flying that flag proudly rather that being brainwashed like fools into believing that it stood for "slavery" and "oppression" and should be taken down....I thought the problem with the ridiculous "political correctness" in the United States that has now run amok with the push to remove symbols of the Confederate states of America would stay isolated to the United States south... But now comes an interesting video that I just came across today, that shows the stupidity of political correctness in all its glory..... In a video, that I have right here for all to see for themselves, it appears that an American visitor was attending a concert in Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA, and was wearing the Confederate flag proudly in the form of shorts...And to top it all off, we find some Canadians "offended" by these shorts!   Here is that video for all to see for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  BTW... Do not worry about the General Motors commercial at the beginning of this video...It automatically came with the video and could not be removed... I do not like advertisements and do not use this blog as a platform for corporations...Honestly, how ridiculous does this push for "political correctness" have to get before people finally put a stop to its madness?This visitor to Canada wears a pair of shorts with the Confederate Flag on it, and they get offended?  Honestly, these clowns that feel offended by a flag on a pair of shorts truly need to actually read the real history of the American civil war to find out the importance of the Confederate flag and all its stood for... That or they truly need to GET A LIFE!Yes, this again shows the stupidity of "political correctness" in all its glory... As I have said before, we must all finally take a stand to stop its insanity before it destroys the very fabric of free speech and our societies....Take a stand everyone.... End the silliness of "political correctness" once and for all....More to comeNTS