Poland orders DESTRUCTION of Soviet War Memorials

The Polish Sejm (Parliament) has just passed a law ordering the destruction of Soviet war memorials throughout Poland.
The Soviet Army liberated Poland after years of brutal Nazi occupation beginning in 1939. This is a fact of history seemingly lost on modern Polish politicians. Soviet war memorials appear in many countries where the Red Army helped to liberate occupied lands from the fascist aggressors. They stand as a tribute to the 27 million Soviet citizens who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war against Hitler’s wicked ideology.
The move which comes on the day that Russia commemorates the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War is gravely insulting to the memory of the war dead and deeply disrespectful to Russia.
State Duma Deupty Chairman Irina Yarovaya of the United Russia party spoke out on this move by Poland on the 22nd of June,

“It looks like Polish Sejm deputies have lost both their conscience and reason. Not a single lawmaker has risen and read the abstracts from the sentences passed at the Nuremberg trials, which forever established as proven historical fact that Soviet soldiers liberated not only their own country, but the whole world from the Nazism.
It is absolutely obvious that the Polish politicians who consider destroying monuments to the Red Army are committing a crime against their own country, as they are destroying tokens of gratitude to those who gave peace to Poland and its people. They also defile the memory of those who were incinerated in the furnaces of the concentration camps, who sacrificed their lives so that these politicians could live today.
The fact that the Sejm passed this bill on the day Russia marks as the Day of Memory and Sorrow, on the day when Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union, only highlights its deep cynicism and immorality”.

Dmitry Sablin, a State Duma deputy also from United Russia has stated that this insulting move is “outside the boundaries of morality and humanity”.
He also stated,

“It is obvious that the Polish authorities have failed to learn anything from history. People like them flirted with Hitler before the war and ripped pieces from occupied Czechoslovakia. Now they try to forget the debt they owe those who liberated their country from Nazism”.

The move which violates two treaties signed between Moscow and Warsaw in 1992 and 1994 has been roundly condemned by figures of all major Russian political parties.
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