Podcast Show #111: Why is Edward Snowden Censored by Craven Media – Washington Post & Guardian?

The Boiling Frogs Show Presents John Young

In this episode of the Boiling Frogs Post Show Cryptome.Org’s John Young joins us to discuss and evaluate the recent controversies involving NSA’s illegal surveillance, PRISM, and whistleblower Edward Snowden. Mr. Young talks about Snowden’s choice of publications to release the crucial information, and these craven outlets’ arm-waving, self-aggrandizing verbosity, after conspiring to obey official demands to censor his information, as a pattern well-documented by unfettered disclosure sites. We discuss the trust-worthiness and reliability of the mainstream media outlets when it comes to disclosures and leaks by whistleblowers and much more!

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Here is our guest John Young unplugged!

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