Please Bogart That Joint-- Marijuana Use Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dwight K. Blake who worked as a mental health counselor and believes that CBD is a prime solution to mental illness, is the editor-in-chief of AmericanMarijuana which recently conducted a survey targeting U.S marijuana consumers, asking them about their marijuana use during the pandemic. Dwight told me that what they found amazed them and he offered to share the findings with DWT readers. Top line:

• 28% of participants choose marijuana over face masks• 55% of those who stocked marijuana did so to calm themselves down amidst the pandemic• 17% is the percentage of participants saying their most preferred activity during self-quarantine (if the U.S enforces nationwide quarantine) is to smoke weed, higher than surfing the internet (15%) and doing indoor sports (13%).

The results are as of March 24, by which time the coronavirus disease had swept through over 195 countries with over 260,000 confirmed cases worldwide. This caused a panic that led people to stock up on foods, toiletries, and other basic needs. As of today, just a week later, these are over 900,000 confirmed cases worldwide (205,036 in the U.S. and over 45,500 deaths worldwide and 4,500 deaths in the U.S. as of today).AmericanMarijuana decided to look at how that is effecting marijuana consumers with this survey:

Compared with Marijuana, Which One Is More Important Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic?Major takeaways:
1- Across the board, the U.S. marijuana consumers would prefer food, face masks, hand sanitizers, and toilet paper over marijuana if they had to choose between marijuana and these.2- Among these necessary items for the COVID-19 pandemic like, a surprising 28% of the 990 participants would rather value marijuana above face masks.3- It’s obvious how 83% of the participants would rather choose toilet paper over marijuana but it’s shocker to see that 5% of the same participants value marijuana above food during these times.

Number of Consumers Who Stocked Up on Marijuana Amidst The COVID-19 PandemicMajor takeaways:

1- 49% of participants DID stock marijuana products during the coronavirus pandemic outbreak while 51% DID NOT stock marijuana products.

Reason Why The U.S Marijuana Consumers Stocked Up On Marijuana Amidst the COVID-19 OutbreakMajor takeaways:

1- 55% of those stocking pot said they did so to calm themselves during the coronavirus outbreak. Meanwhile, 22% of them didn’t even care but just wanted to stock up on some marijuana to chill at home.2- The other 23% stocked up on marijuana because of the fear of both the pandemic and marijuana product shortage.

Reason Why The U.S Marijuana Consumers DID NOT Stock Up On Marijuana Products Amidst the COVID-19 PandemicMajor Takeaways:

1- 36% of participants didn’t stock up on marijuana products because they didn’t worry at all about the marijuana product shortage while 35% of survey takers valued toilet papers, face masks, and hand sanitisers over marijuana products.2- The remaining 29% didn’t stock up on marijuana products as they didn’t feel the need to stock consumer goods at all.

If the U.S Government Imposes Nationwide Quarantine, Which Among the Following Activities Would you Rather Do?Major Takeaways:

1- 28% of the 990 participants would rather binge-watch TV shows should the U.S. government impose a national quarantine, making it the most-preferred activity during self-quarantine.2- The least preferred activity is to do indoor exercise/sport activities, taking up only 13% of the 990 participants.3- 17% of them would just rather smoke weed during self-quarantine than doing any of the presented activities. This is even higher than the percentages of those choosing to surf the internet (15%), and to do indoor exercise/sports (13%).

Number of Consumers that Used/Consumed More Marijuana Products since the COVID-19 OutbreakMajor takeaways:

1- 34% of participants have consumed more marijuana products since the COVID-19 outbreak while the remaining 66% haven’t.

How Do U.S Marijuana Consumers Feel towards the COVID-19 Pandemic?Major takeaways:

1- 54% of the 990 U.S. marijuana product consumers feel calm about the global coronavirus pandemic thinking everything will be alright while 40% are worried sick.2- Only 55 (6%) of the 990 participants don’t really care about the COVID-19 pandemic at all.