Philadelphia Cop Arrested for Beating Woman in Latest Domestic Abuse Arrest for the Department

A Philadelphia cop was arrested and is facing assault charges after being involved in a physical altercation with a woman.
CBS is reporting that officer Joseph Sees, 48, was allegedly involved in a heated spat on Thanksgiving with a woman that resulted in bruises to her face and possibly a broken nose. The incident came to light when neighbors heard “violent fight like sounds” from the home and alerted the police, according to Penn Live.
Sees, who is a 17-year veteran, was charged with simple assault and harassment.
Sees was suspended for 30 days by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey with the goal of having Sees dismissed from the department.
According to NBC, Sees faces a preliminary hearing in December.
“[Sees] has been a dedicated and well respected member of the Philadelphia Police Department for close to two decades,” said See’s attorney, Fortunato N. Perri.
“This is an unfortunate incident and we hope to resolve this matter favorably for everyone involved,” Perrin added.
The Philadelphia Police Department have a page on its website providing detailed information on how to protect yourself from domestic violence.
However, like many police departments throughout the country, they frequently arrest their own for domestic violence, including Philadelphia police officer Joseph Griffin in September 2014, and Philadelphia police officer Michael Alice in July 2015.
Then there was Philadelphia Police Lieutenant George Holcombe, who had abused the mother of his children for years, prompting numerous complaints from his wife, which apparently did not result in any arrests until he assaulted two fellow cops who were responding to a complaint.
That incident was captured on video, which is not very clear visually because it’s dark, but it captures Holcombe threatening to kill his wife before he ends up handcuffed.
Holcombe was charged with several crimes, then fired from the department before a judge dismissed all charges except disorderly conduct.
But a prosecutor refiled the charges, which led to his suicide in March 2015.

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