The People’s Campaign: The Real Hastert Case- All in One Place

Let’s Counter the Complicit US Media with Our Own!
Update: Dennis Hastert Pleads Guilty in Hush Money Case
We have been singlehandedly covering The Real Hastert Case here at Boiling Frogs Post. As we all know the complicit US media has been doing exactly the opposite: blacking out and censoring the real case together with all directly relevant facts and historical context. I believe we have a choice to make: Do we let them win again by shrugging in disgust and going away? Or do we give it our best and use every means and every channel to counter and challenge the institutionalized criminality and cover-up? Sure. They have all the mega print and TV outlets. But we have the power of numbers, resolve and persistence. And we have this website, the internet and all the social networks and forums that go with it.
Can we use these mediums and means and show that we are not as powerless and irrelevant as they want us to believe we are?
Can we use our numbers, our collective voices and various internet mediums and means to get out the quashed facts and the truth?
I cannot answer these questions. But together, we can. The least we can do is to try- and try our best. We can make this our own campaign- the people’s campaign.
To make this easier I’ve decided to combine all our coverage (podcast episodes, videos, articles and commentaries) in one post, place it at the center of our website, and suggest various ways to go about disseminating and shining light on the truth when it comes to The Real Hastert Case and related cover-ups.
What can we do with these truth sources and related information?
I am not as technologically savvy as many of you, but I will list a few suggestions, and then have you further those with your suggestions and channels communicated in the comments section of this post.
Make this page a top hit (link) at the Reddit Website. Rather than having multiple posts, let’s have a lead post, share the link with everyone else here & encourage people to keep the link active with their shares, votes and comments. Please let us know if you are willing to create and manage our primary Reddit link.
Use your social network mediums such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to share this campaign page. Encourage your friends and followers to share and help with dissemination.
Share, download, and repost our YouTube video clips (BFP & Corbett Report)
Go to the comments sections of heavy-traffic news websites and forums and post your comments and the link to this campaign page.
Target local news and websites for Illinois; especially Chicago.
If you don’t have my books on this case and directly related cover-ups, go grab your e-copies at Amazon here and here. For this campaign I dropped the Kindle version price to $1.99. It is dirt cheap, thus easily affordable. I encourage you to post your reviews and ratings (By that I mean, honest and sincere ones!). If you’ve already read the books, consider grabbing e-copies to pass on. You can also use channels such as Twitter-FB and GoodReads to encourage others to take advantage of this campaign and grab their copies to read.
All right. These are my suggestions. Please add yours, take the initiative and come up with your own methods and channels, and share those with the rest of us here at Boiling Frogs Post.
We have started a campaign page at Imgur: Share the link, Go visit our campaign page and share it via channels available there (Reddit, Twitter, etc.), post comments. Here is the link:
Here are the video clips, links and pages to our ongoing coverage of The Real Hastert Case:
The Hastert Scandal: What the Media Isn't Telling You

Hastert Reaches Plea Deal to Cover Up Case

Spiro: “Sibel Edmonds Exposes Exactly What Could Bring Down This Entire Corrupt System!”

BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn!

Articles & Transcripts
Why is FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Boiling over Former Speaker Hastert’s Plea Deal?- By Cynthia McKinney
BFP Exclusive- Two Delays & Tight-Lipped Negotiations Point to
Graymail & Blackmail Tactics by Hastert’s Legal Team

Did Foreign Governments Blackmail Denny Hastert? By Philip Giraldi

Hastert Case, Clinton Scandals, FBI & the 1996 COINTELPRO II (Transcript)
How the COINTELPRO II Bucket Turned into a Can of Worms (Transcript)
The Mind-Boggling Media Censorship in the Real Hastert Case (Transcript)
Hastert to Plead Guilty of Sexual Abuse, Yet US Still Covers up Turkish Blackmail
Podcast (Audio Only- From Oldest to the Latest)
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Dennis Hastert: Why Prosecutors Will Be Forced To ‘Lose’ or ‘Drop’ the Case
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Hastert Case, Clinton Scandals, FBI & the 1996 COINTELPRO II Directive
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Hastert Case: How the COINTELPRO II Bucket Turned into a Can of Worms
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- The Mind-Boggling Level of Media Censorship in the Real Hastert Case
Philip Giraldi Breaks the Media Blackout on Hastert Case
Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story
The Lone Gladio
External Sources
Sibel Edmonds: An Inconvenient Patriot
Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?
Sibel Edmonds Testimony & Dennis Hastert (2009)
Dennis Hastert- A Portrait of a Political System Termite: The Erosion & Rotting of a Nation’s Foundation
Sibel Edmonds State Secrets Gallery
Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Government Officials and Misuse of FISA
Gilbert Graham Case Filed with DOJ-IG
Dennis Hastert Indictment (Court Document)
Hastert, in hiding since indictment & molestation allegations, finally due in court
Judge grants extension for Dennis Hastert's pre-trial motions (Sep 11)
Who is Scott Palmer?
Dennis Hastert Reaches Plea Deal
Details of Dennis Hastert's Alleged Sexual Misconduct May Stay Buried Forever With New Plea Deal
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Sibel Edmonds is editor and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post, founder and president of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), and author of the acclaimed book Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story, and The Lone Gladio, a Political Spy Thriller. Ms. Edmonds is a certified linguist, fluent in four languages, and has an MA in public policy from George Mason University and a BA in criminal justice and psychology from George Washington University. She is the recipient of the 2006 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award.