PBC News & Comment: WTF–Only 3 Senators Vote to Close Guantanamo

In critical Senate vote, only Merkely, Wyden and Sanders say “No” on Pentagon funding bill that blocks closure of Guantanamo…--in our new in-depth interview, journalist Steve Horn says Obama’s rejection of Keystone XL will not slow transport of tar sands oil to Texas
--as Horn previously told us, the US actively pressed Mexico to privatize Pemex; today, TransCanada announced new gas pipeline deal in Mexico
--after California Gov. Brown ordered state energy agency to survey family property for resource potential, average citizens are asking for the same free studies
--another bizarre GOP presidential debate, this time on Fox Business, a channel I’d never seen before
--at Wall Street on Parade, Pam and Russ Martens fact-check brazen lies and misrepresentations
--at Daily Kos, an unidentified neurologist says that just because Ben Carson is a brain surgeon doesn’t make him ‘smart”
--Syria claims it has retaken an airbase in Alleppo after 2 year struggle with IS; Iraq fails repeatedly to dislodge IS from Ramadi
--Israel protests EY decision to label products exported from occupied Palestinian territories
--at Mizzou, campus is deserted following racist threat, arrest of 19-year-old
--The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf reports on mob mentality of Mizzou protesters toward media, including a journalism instructor who had invited media coverage
