PBC News & Comment: Wisconsin Defines Sanders’ Winning Formula

As expected, Sanders wins Wisconsin with 50% of women, 78% of under-45; but low Dem turnout may hamper any Democrat….--as Clinton team says it will hit Sanders harder, it uses NY Daily News interview excerpts to suggest he is clueless on bank reform, Israel/Palestine
--NY Times writer unpacks the interview, says “Yes, Sanders knows something about breaking up banks”
--Cruz slows Trump down with 48-34 Wisconsin win
--Trump details his plan to make Mexicans pay for his border wall, based on empty threats to confiscate remittance funds
--Iceland’s prime minister withdraws his resignation after Panama Papers expose
--here’s a good overview of the sprawling Panama Papers leak
--Public Citizen tweaks ObamaCo over Panama, noting that key aim of US-Panama Free Trade Agreement was to clean up corporate corruption
--Obama squeezes drug giant Pfizer, which scuttles its Irish tax dodge plan
--Morgan Stanley says The Big Short has damaged market for sub-prime bonds backed by consumer car loans
--Rep. Alan Grayson, running for Florida Senate seat, reports that Ethics committee has ended its review of his hedge fund and related matters
--Jason Leopold’s latest report names some of the movies and TV shows that the CIA has collaborated on
--FBI offers to unlock iPhones for other cops, won’t say what it found on San Bernardino phone
--coal baron Don Blankenship is sentenced to one year on prison for mine explosion that killed 29 miners
--Mississippi governor signs “Religious Liberty to Discriminate” law
--Tennessee names the Bible its state book
--Paypal kills plan to hire 400 in North Carolina in protest of discrimination law
--Muslim group challenges No Fly list
--DC Madam lawyer continues fight to release phone records of a presidential candidate, despite rejections from chief justice and nominated justice Garland