PBC News & Comment: Wide Open Civil War in Iraq

US prepares evacuation plans from Green Zone as Sunnis advance and Kurds take Kirkuk, Iran, Syria and Turkey worry…Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!
–As Sunni insurgents advance, US readies Green Zone evacuation, and Kurds grab Kirkuk
–Obama makes vague pledges to help Maliki government
–Russian foreign minister says of US mess in Iraq “neener neener”
–trial underway for Blackwater goons who killed at Nisour square
–Zunes on Kerry’s failed initiative with Israel and Palestine, at Boiling Frogs Post
–US resumes drones strikes in Pakistan after 5-month hiatus
–Egypt sentences non-Muslim Arab Spring leader to 15 years
–federal appeals court says warrant required for cellphone location tracking
–Union Theological Seminary becomes first to divest from fossil fuels
–Texas Gov. Rick Perry embarrasses himself in San Francisco