PBC News & Comment: Washington Reality Matches Fictional ‘House of Cards’

Perfect timing: Netflix drops 3rd season of House of Cards as Congress, CPAC display many elements of our broken government…
--GOP leaders infantilize DC residents in attempt to block voter-approved marijuana decriminalization
--second day coverage of Jihadi John story brings some new information, along with lots of pro-government bias
--at Pando, War Nerd Gary Brecher offers smug takedown of Jihadi John, the poor little rich kid
--in the cradle of civilization, IS dumps the cradle and destroys history and relics in Mosul as it takes hundreds of Assyrian Christians hostage
--obscure group in Egypt challenges Sisi’s police state, sets off 6 bombs in Giza
--in excerpt from our in-depth interview, former Guantanamo guard Joseph Hickman explains that Gitmo is “America’s battle lab” and a death camp with human medical experimentation
--Shahid Buttar of BORDC arrested at Senate hearing after calling DNI Clapper a perjurer
--at VICE, Jason Leopold reports on heavily redacted Pentagon memo assessing impact of Snowden disclosures
--45,000 have signed petition calling for impeachment of federal Judge Mark Fuller.  You can sign here.
--for-profit college operator Corinthian faces “debt strike” by students who have big loans, worthless academic records
--Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame dies at 83