PBC News & Comment: Washington Post Soils Itself in Snowden Attack

Following House Intel committee letter opposing pardon for Snowden, Washington Post, editorial calls for prosecution of their own source...--Glenn Greenwald crucifies The Post
--veteran Post reporter Bart Gellman exposes the lies in Intel committee letter, calls it “aggressively dishonest”
--as UN General Assembly meets, US is on defensive over weekend bombing that killed 80 Syrian troops during “cease fire” and Power slams Russia
--on Friday, Pentagon announced that US special forces are being sent ot northern Syria to fight with Turkish forces
--Afghan immigrant is arrested for weekend bombings in NYC and NJ
--academic freedom panel blasts UC Berkeley for suspension of course after Zionist complained
--investigation of claims of anti-Semitism at CUNY says charges were “completely unsubstantiated”
--Trump employs “paralipsis” again, says his lawyers want to sue the NY Times, but he says not now; payback for exposure of his sweetheart tax breaks?
--new report shows Clinton campaign has fleeced hundreds of small donors with unapproved “contributions”
--Jason Leopold wins new legal victory, as court orders release of “pen register” surveillance orders
--attorney Jon Eisenberg updates his lawsuits to win release of Guantanamo force feeding videos