PBC News & Comment: Washington Drowns in Anonymous Leaks

Anonymous official leakers offer spook dust—and no proof—as the “Russia elected Trump” group think spins out of control….--your humble host is loath to side with Trump, but the claim that CIA believes Russia manipulated the election to favor Trump is the new “slam dunk”
--former British ambassador Craig Murray flatly states that DNC and Podesta were “insider leaks”, not hacks, says “I’ve met the person who leaked them”
--McConnell and Ryan break silence, support Congressional investigation
--Trump attacks CIA for Iraq intel, says “I don’t believe it”
--in campaign, CIA’s Morrell openly supported Clinton, and Trump’s pick of Mike Flynn for national security advisor is opposed by many agency officials
--Glenn Greenwald offers well-deserved skepticism, demands real evidence
--Wisconsin recount is almost complete, judges have shut down the recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania
--in Michigan, Jill Stein concedes it’s over, but calls recounts a “political horror show”
--activist Ray Lutz of San Diego went to Detroit, shares his observations from the recount effort, his website is here
--Clinton elector Vinz Koller of Montetery, CA, files suit to allow all members of Electoral College to vote unbound
--some electors also demand intelligence briefing before Dec. 19 vote
--Trump tweets criticism of F-35 project, Lockheed shares nosedive