PBC News & Comment: Vodaphone Reveals Hard-Wired Backdoor for Surveillance

As we mark the start of Snowden Year 2, world’s second biggest phone carrier reveals direct taps by unnamed government….Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!
–Vodaphone, world’s #2 carrier, reveals permanent, hard-wired “back doors” for surveillance
–Germany’s Deutche Telekom set to report on government surveillance next
–Senate Intel committee badly split over House’s weak and insidious “NSA reform bill”
–on VA, Sens. Sanders and McCain promote compromise bill to reduce delays
–D-Day’s 70th commemoration complicated by attempt to isolate Russia, forcing French president to dine twice
–G-7 announces more meaningless sanctions on Russia
–Israel announces 1,500 new illegal settlements
–Prof Stephen Zunes says extreme US policies killed Israel-Palestine talks
–Pando reveals that Gates Foundation is funding PBS Common Core series that will benefit Microsoft
–in Friday’s NY Times, lead editorial blasts GOP hypocrisy on Berghdahl, and even David Brooks defends Obama
–GM investigated GM over ignition problems, absolves top brass of any responsibility