PBC News & Comment: Trump Previews His Dictator Act

In frightening performance, The Donald attacks the media and specific reporters for exposing his failure to honor promise to vets….--Trumps bluster belies the facts: he made the contributions to vets groups only after prodding from Washington Post
--in California the other day, Trump stunned us by saying “there is no drought”
--on Sunday, Huffpost removed article claiming that Hillary Clinton will be indicted under RICO for email scheme
--Peter van Buren, who was drummed out of State Dept. by Clinton, comments on the email flap
--Dan Metcalfe, Justice Dept. spokesman under Bill Clinton, skewers HRC over emails, suggests Biden-Kerry ticket
--amusing hindsight commentaries slam Bernie and Hillary
--new poll shows 40% of voters think 2-party system is broken
--Prof. Juan Cole echoes my comments on Eric Holder’s recent remarks about Ed Snowden
--Obama’s UN ambassador Samantha Power, who formerly detested Henry Kissinger, will accept an award from Dr. K
--California’s anti-BDS bill has been amended, still should be defeated; here is the revised language
--federal appeals court reverses lower court ruling that required warrant for cell tower data
--in Obama’s wars, the summer blockbusters are battles to retake Falluja and Roqqa