PBC News & Comment: Trump Clinches GOP Nomination, Shitstorm Ahead!

Trump’s win in Indiana makes him last man standing, as Sanders beats Clinton and exposes her shady campaign finance schemes….--Cruz and Kasich yield to reality: Trump grabbed the nomination, there will not be a contested convention; Cruz unloads on Trump as he exits with Carly Fiorina
--Sanders campaign cites Politico investigation showing that less than 1% of $61 million in megadonor money is being shared with state parties as promised
--federal judge in Clinton email case approves deposition plan, possibly including HRC
--Thomas Frank asks why the alternative to Trump must be self-satisfied, complacent Democrats
--media continues anti-Sanders spin in coverage of latest polls
--in bold move, Army Captain serving in war zone sues Obama over war powers, and lack of authorization for the current war in Iraq and Syria
--in bizarre move, Secretary of State Kerry sets August 1 deadline for Assad transition
--the Navy Seal killed in Iraq yesterday was the son of a high school classmate of PBC
--in latest Processing Distortion podcast, Sibel Edmonds talks about the limited-hangout coverup of Dennis Hastert’s most serious crimes
--Justice Breyer slams death penalty and California’s process in dissent from Supreme Court denial of death row man’s appeal
--Israeli court sentences the ringleader of 2014 brutal killing of Muhammed Khdeir to life plus 20
--6 more workers at Hanford nuclear site are treated for exposure to radioactive leaks from tanks in Washington state
--your humble host joins the millions with a dangerous Takata airbag in his car as Takata struggles to survive
--feds end 4-year effort to shut medical cannabis outlet in Oakland, a stunt that was intended to help Obama’s 2012 reelection, as legalization initiative qualifies
--46 years ago today, 4 students protesting Vietnam war were shot and killed by national guardsmen at Kent State in Ohio