PBC News & Comment: Trump Brings New Meaning to “Bully Pulpit”

Trump’s angry tweets reveal a thin-skinned bully whose followers—from GOP elected to fans—form enforcement army of bullies…--Politico reports on backlash aimed at GOP conservatives who even hint they have differences with Trump
--Trump supporter tweets video to Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald that causes epileptic seizure, payback for exposing Trump’s business conflicts overseas
--Trump’s ignorance on many laws—either natural or willful—raises alarms with law professors, reports Bob Egelko in SF Chronicle
--Trump’s pledge to move US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would upend 70-year policy
--Israel’s UN ambassador, a flame thrower named Danny Danon, plays victim cards in op-ed about a “reset” at the UN
--using the Clinton Foundation model, Trump kids announce, then retract, plan to trade donations to nonprofit for access to Trump, hunting with the boys
--Trump moves to settle labor contracts, possibly avoiding NLRB conflicts
--Obama invokes 1953 law to ban oil and gas drilling in parts of Atlantic, Arctic
--in our last in-depth interview for the year, former Chicago Sun-Times photo editor Richard Cahan talks about his book, Un-American, which graphically recounts the barbaric incarceration of 110,000 Japanese Americans during WWII
--Kevin Gosztola at Shadowproof recaps Obama’s legacy, the new installment covers indefinite military detention and “capture or kill” policies that mostly lead to kills
--Trump’s premature twitter ejaculation on attacks in Turkey, Germany and Switzerland prompts Turkey’s Erdogan to blame Gulen, with scant evidence
--suspect in Berlin truck attack is Tunisian with drug history and alleged ties to Salafist preacher
--Uber is testing robot cars in San Francisco in violation of law, and there are some problems
--in Utne Reader, Tracy Rosenberg exposes the 78 “fusion centers’ that violate privacy and rarely identify real suspects
--Obama must pardon Leonard Peltier