PBC News & Comment: Trump’s Incoherence: Killing Net Neutrality, Blocking AT&T Merger

Anti-trust action against AT&T merger with Time-Warner is obvious payback to CNN, while ending Net Neutrality is payoff to mega-corporations....--at FCC, Chair Ajit Pai moves to dismantle Net Neutrality, the wrong choice for the wrong reasons
--meanwhile, Justice Dept. moves to block merger of AT&T with Time Warner, the right choice for the wrong reason(s)
--at meeting with Assad, Putin says Syrian war is “wrapping up”, signaling shift to negotiations that will likely keep Assad in power
--Gareth Porter’s 2-part series exposes the lies used to persuade George W. Bush to bomb Syrian facility that Israel claimed was a nuclear reactor
--Google boss Eric Schmidt says the search giant isn’t censoring RT and Sputnik, they just manipulate search results to reduce ranking, which amounts to censorship
--ConsortiumNews is one of the sites seeing sharply reduced Google search referrals, and Bob Parry continues to criticize NY Times for bad Russiagate reporting
--in 2011, The Guardian reported that Gen. David Petraeus had signed contract to develop software to manipulate social media
--after a protracted political dance, Zimbabwe’s 37-year maximum ruler, Robert Mugabe, has resigned
--in a move that is a bit less callous than last month’s expulsion of Nicaraguans, 59,000 Haitians are told to leave US by July 2019
--establishment gatekeeper Charlie Rose is bounced from CBS, PBS and Bloomberg within hours of report of multiple cases of sexual misbehavior
--online progressive outlet The Young Turks fires reporter Jordan Chariton, who is fighting a claim of sexual assault
--Rep. John Conyers also disputes allegations
--in San Francisco trial of accused shooter of Kate Steinle, prosecutor makes risky move in closing arguments, demands first degree conviction
--9th Circuit Appeals Court issues final ruling, blocking Trump’s plan to deny federal funds to “sanctuary” cities
--Jeff Sessions passes out $98 million in grants to anti-sanctuary jurisdictions