PBC News & Comment: Top Spook James Clapper Resigns

Proven perjurer and Director of National Intelligence Gen. James Clapper submits resignation after 6 rocky years as America’s top spy…
--at Vice, Jason Leopold interviews Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) about surveillance, torture and secret law
--The Intercept exposes A T & T’s 29-story windowless building in New York as a major NSA surveillance site
--The Intercept also reports that iPhones secretly send call history to Apple via iCloud
--from Standing Rock, Native American Candida Kingbird describes buzzing choppers that spray unknown chemical on protesters
--the Just Security team at NYU Law School reviews the surveillance operations in North Dakota
--in our new in-depth interview, international journalist Pepe Escobar offers offshore perspective on the US election, and notes that Trump’s limited vocabulary was very effective, especially on Twitter
--Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner is looking for ways around laws that would prevent him from joining the administration
--In NY Times oped, Zephyr Teachout cites the “emoluments clause” to argue that Trump’s business operations would be unconstitutional
--Trump considers disgraced Gen. David Petraeus for Secretary of State
--in parting shot, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) introduces bill to give voters choice of “None of the Above”
--Erdogan’s crackdown in Turkey continues, as 120 journalists are jailed
--NY Times editorial slams settlement legalization bill in Israel’s Knesset