PBC News & Comment: Tentative Deal Announced in Iran Nuke Talks

Iran deal is called “surprisingly specific” and “comprehensive”, will be target of various saboteurs in the final phase of negotiations….
--in our fresh interview, Iran expert Gareth Porter reveals that Iran made a major concession regarding its Arak facility
--in Kenya, al Shabab kills 70, injures 79 in attack on a university campus
--Inspector General for Afghanistan reports that $45 billion in American funds are “missing”
--Judge rules that CIA can keep secret the “Panetta Review” of torture
--in our Processing Distortion podcast at BoilingFrogsPost, Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) talks about his bill to repeal the Patriot Act and FISA amendments of 2008
--NY Times asks “Could another Dem beat Hillary?”
--in our special interview, retired Congressman Barney Frank makes his case for Hillary, while acknowledging her hawkishness
--Sen. Bernie Sanders made his case in San Francisco this week, taking on our tech billionaires
--campaign watchdogs slam prez candidates—3 GOP, 1, Dem—for raising funds without formally announcing, skirting contribution limits
--NJ Dem Sen. Menendez is indicted, as expected
--new study shows soldier suicides not linked to deployments in war zones
--televangelist Robert Schuller dies
--our official film reviewer, Gary Chew on Billy Collins, starring Al Pacino