PBC News & Comment: Swiftboating of Bernie Sanders Escalates

Paul Krugman and Washington Post editorial repeat and amplify phony attacks on Sanders using intentionally twisted Daily News interview quotes…--Krugman plays the role of Clinton surrogate, using campaign talking points and spin to claim that Sanders is “over the edge” in today's column
--inflammatory headline and pro-bankster editorial in Washington Post built on false analysis of Daily News interview
--latest polls in NY and CA show why Clinton team is worried: HRC’s 60-point lead in California is reduced to 6 points 2 months before last big primary
--in episode first reported by right-wing Weekly Standard, Bill Clinton unravels HRC’s effort to distance herself from his awful record on crime and prisons
--News American blog provides “a short history of the Clintons and racism”
--Hillary Clinton laughs off the email investigation
--but legal scholar Jonathan Turley isn’t laughing, as he comments on the unusual lawyer arrangement for her top aides
--GOP law professor makes case against HRC for mishandling classified information, in USA Today
--Pope Francis issues his encyclical that changes tone, not teachings; he also invited Bernie Sanders to speak at Vatican next week on social and economic justice
--Koch brothers and their rich pals are giving up on GOP presidential race, will focus its millions on buying Senate races
--DEA tells Sen. Elizabeth Warren it is considering reclassification of marijuana
--belying its pledge about hacking “one phone, one time”, FBI continues to fight the same fight in Brooklyn drug case, with a very skeptical judge
--neocon Max Boot exposes Obama’s furtive escalation in Iraq, which Boot supports and PBC doesn’t
--Syria releases American photojournalist after 4 years
-–RT releases report based on CIA officer’s new book, with some details of the US plan for regime change in Syria