PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Sends Important Signals Upholding Abortion Rights

Texas, home to idiot governors and bad laws, figures in our top 2 stories about abortion rights and voting laws…
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–Supreme Court in surprise 6-3 ruling, validates key arguments against Texas anti-abortion laws, clinics will re-open as hearings continue at appeals court
–Fifth Circuit, which was overruled by Supremes on abortion, blocks ban on voter ID law in Texas, Bradblog has details
–Sam Daley-Harris touts citizen action on climate, and poverty, in today’s in-depth interview
–video of police beating Hong Kong protester produces new wave of condemnation
–Juan Cole reports that IS has taken Iraqi town of Hit, and looted armory of US provided tanks and armored vehicles
–NY Times report says IS is poised to take full control of Anbar province
–selective western outrage over IS decapitations is undermined by fact that Saudis have beheaded 59 this year
–Kurdish fighters killed in Kobani show signs of chemical weapons
–Bush partisans seize this news to spin that there actually were WMD in Iraq when Bush invaded
–Fidel Castro dialogues with NY Times editorial calling for US to ease its failed blockade of Cuba
–Bay Guardian ends publication in San Francisco