PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court OK’s Connecticut Ban on Assault Weapons

Despite Supreme Court approval of assault weapons bans, Dems in Senate keep pushing dangerous “No Fly, No Buy” amendment……--Supremes allow lower court ruling to stand, sending clear message that assault weapons bans are constitutional
--Court also weakens protections from illegal searches, drawing blistering dissent from Sotomayor
--Senate is expected to vote today on 4 amendments, as Dems hope to use Orlando to force support for “No Fly, No Buy”
--our latest Newsbud Report includes coverage of the political response to Orlando
--FBI releases partial transcript of Mateen calls to 911, and we note differences in coverage by 3 outlets
--Trump continues stoking fear of Muslims, says we should be profiling, even though he says he hates it; and he fired his campaign manager
--in response to State Dept. dissent memo on Syria, John Kerry indicates that he agrees, exposing major rift with Obama
--last Thursday, US and Russian fighters had a mid-air confrontation over Syria, prompting high-level exchange
--Iraqi military reports regaining control of Falluja from IS
--Sanders campaign pushed Obama and Clinton to embrace increase in Social Security benefits
--the call by Sanders to reform superdelegates and caucuses wins support from California Dems, strong opposition from Black Caucus
--NY Times editorial slams Congress for blocking closure of Guantanamo, and urges Obama to allow UN inspection
--Oakland lost NBA championship to Cleveland, and has had 4 police chiefs in last 2 weeks
--65,000 Okinawans protest US base after another murder of a local resident blamed on American civilian
--desperate Venezuelans ransack stores as food shortage grows
--65 million people are displaced by wars in the world, another 19 million displaced in 2015 by natural disasters