PBC News & Comment: Supreme Court Deadlocks on Obama Immigration Orders

Deadlocked Supreme Court rebuffs Obama, rewards GOP obstruction, overturning executive actions on immigration 14 compounded by GOP obstruction of court nomination….--conservative justices squawk over ruling that upholds U of Texas admission standards that include race as a factor
--Supreme Court also ruled in favor of penalties for refusal to submit to breathalyzer test
--judge in Baltimore acquits the cop who drove Freddie Gray to death
--Dems in House stage 25-hour sit-in to demand votes on gun bills, and they are still supporting bad “No Fly No Buy” bill
--Senate places the Susan Collins compromise in limbo
--Vice News is only outlet I’ve seen that notes the civil liberties bomb that Democrats are grandstanding over
--at Vice, Jason Leopold reports that Senate Intel committee wants to crack down on CIA-Hollywood collusion
--at DeSmogBlog, Steve Horn reveals the backstory to the court case that rejected Obama’s rules for fracking on public land
--Colombia and FARC rebels sign ceasefire to end 50-year conflict—
--in the UK, Brexit vote is underway today