PBC News & Comment: Speaker Ryan—New Suit, Same Old Shit

New GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan says he won’t work with Obama on immigration, signaling that obstruction will continue….--CNBC’s bungled GOP debate opens the door for Republican attacks on media, but they were just imitating Fox
--Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell, New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz ridicule the GOP’s gripes,
--Harvard professor Larry Lessig ends his single-issue presidential campaign, because the DNC changed its rules to exclude him
--Ryan says Obama is “untrustworthy” on immigration, makes no mention of the president’s 16 public statements promising no “boots on the ground” in Syria
--in late Friday news dump, Pentagon announces plan to spend another $100 million on Syrian rebels
--despite American moves and Russian bombing, Daesh takes control of Mahin, on strategic highway to Damascus
--in unexplained incident, Russian airliner breaks up over Sinai, 224 killed
--in Turkey, President Erdogan’s brutal crackdown on Kurds proves popular, as AKP wins 49 percent in snap parliamentary election
--USA Today, known for brief, bland reporting, runs lengthy investigative report that exposes that Gulen groups paid for 200 Congressional trips to Turkey
--former Watergate lawyer, senator and TV star Fred Thompson dies at 73