PBC News & Comment: Sean Penn Goes Gonzo, Scoops Global Media with El Chapo Interview

We honor David Bowie’s death with “Criminal World”, perfect intro for Sean Penn’s undercover exploits interviewing fugitive drug lord…--Penn’s efforts may have helped Mexican and US authorities to track Guzman, who was captured on Friday; the 10,000-word report is here
--in new podcast with Sibel Edmonds and Pepe Ecobar, we announce the plans to launch new, independent news service called Newsbud
--music and art fans mourn the death of David Bowie
--after last weeks meeting with spooks in Silicon Valley, Obama shifts digital war on IS from State Dept. to Homeland Security
--cyber activists from 42 countries sign open letter in opposition to “back doors”
--Guantanamo prison was opened 14 years ago today; from London to Washington, former prisoners and activists are demanding its closure
--one of Gitmo’s first prisoners is released as al Shumrani is sent home to Saudi Arabia
--The Guardian reports that rules of Gitmo’s Periodic Review Board are abused to delay decisions on releases
--Shaker Aamer leads protest with other former prisoners at US embassy in London
--Mideast expert and former US diplomat Fuad Suleiman offers detailed answer to the question, “what does ISIL want?”
--in “Shrimp Boy” case brought by FBI sting operation, jury returns all-guilty verdict
--conservative columnist Debra J. Saunders finds the verdict is “an indictment of feds”
--NFL racketeers ramp up extortion of Oakland, St. Louis and San Diego over possible franchise moves
--singer/songwriter Roy Zimmerman dropped by the secret studio last week, and performed some of his fresh political satire tunes, here's an excerpt