PBC News & Comment: Scott Pruitt’s Industry Love Letters Released

As EPA Director Pruitt’s emails with energy industry surface, Standing Rock protesters face eviction today, in gross treaty violations….--Madison’s Center for Media and Democracy releases emails that Senate should have reviewed before confirmation of Pruitt, DeSmogBlog has the details
--today is deadline set by Sheriff for protesters to leave Standing Rock, as officials express fake concern for environmental damage from campgrounds
--at Shadowproof, Kevin Gosztola explains the treaty rights being trampled, and the Justice Dept memo being suppressed
--Sabrina De Sousa, former CIA officer convicted for botched Milan kidnapping, is being extradited from Portugal to Italy, facing 4 years in prison; her PBC interviews are here  and here
--Ukrainian who colluded with Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, on “peace plan” secretly delivered to Mike Flynn faces prosecution in Ukraine
--Rexxon Tillerson and John Kelly are in Mexico, trying to soften the blow of immigration orders that will hammer Mexico
--outspoken Jewish leader says Trump is prejudiced against Jews
--Trump responded to pressure to speak out against anti-Semitism, but is silent on attacks on Islamic communities
--is Trump psychic? Riot broke out in Sweden 2 days after Trump reported them
--conflict surfaces in Trump cabinet, as DeVos and Sessions disagree about transgender bathroom rules
--in Texas, federal judge blocks cuts to Planned Parenthood based on misleading secret videos
--will Trump send more troops to Syria, responding to general’s request?
--Bill Maher plays asshole, claims his softball interview helped bring down Milo Yiannopoulos
--in Virginia, boyfriend of TV reporter killed on live TV decides to leave TV news and run for legislature
--body snatchers fail in raid on morgue where Kim Jong-nam is in the fridge