PBC News & Comment: Scalia-Free Supreme Court Overturns Texas Anti-Abortion “TRAP” Law

Supreme Court overturns pretextual Texas law that led to closure of many abortion clinics, setting important new precedent; Kennedy pivotal…..--Justice Kennedy is again the crucial swing vote, even on 8-member Court
--similar laws in 20+ other states are likely unconstitutional
--in outrageous, unanimous ruling, Court throws out conviction of corrupt former VA governor, while Don Siegelman is still in prison
--in 6-2 vote, the Court upheld federal law banning gun ownership to misdemeanor domestic violence convicts
--the latest episode of Newsbud Report is here
--at Dem platform hearing, Clinton supporters demolish Sanders positions on $15 wage, Palestinians, TPP, fracking
--a Shadowproof, Kevin Gosztola covers the debate over TPP
--FBI seems determined to debunk claims that Omar Mateen was gay or bisexual
--FBI spying budget may reach $1 billion this year
--in our new interview, peace activist David Swanson talks about America’s wars and his new book, War is a Lie
--at Mother Jones, Shane Bauer files multi-part report on his undercover work as guard at a corporate prison
--NY Times reports that CIA arms intended for Syrian rebels went to black market, were used to kill Americans
--Pope Francis tells the truth about Armenian genocide, and says gays deserve an apology
--Turkey will be upset by Pope’s remarks, but it’s busy mending fences with Israel and Russia
--in Sacramento Sunday, a bizarre scuffle between Neo-Nazi skinheads and anti-fascist counterprotesters injures 10; here is Spiro’s report on Newsbud