PBC News & Comment: Sanders Poised to Win California

On Memorial Day, competing with NBA, NHL playoffs and other events, 20,000+ rally for Bernie in East Oakland, City Hall….--Sanders fights Dem leaders over Wasserman Schultz’s appointment of Clinton partisans to run convention
--internal Sanders memo shows that neither candidate will have enough pledged delegates at end of primaries
--in new in-depth interview, election protection leaders Bob Fitrakis and Cliff Arnebeck detail likely election theft in Dem primaries
--in SF Chronicle, conservative columnist Debra J. Saunders recaps Clinton’s lies about her email server, and emails
--corruption investigation into VA Gov. McAuliffe connects to Hillary Clinton
--paperback edition of Hillary’s memoir Hard Choices deleted 96 pages about Honduras, Colombia, TPP and other controversies
--in Honduras, investigation into murder of Berta Caceres exposes death threats and links to USAID
--in Chicago, 60 people shot, 6 killed over holiday weekend
--former AG Eric Holder says Snowden “performed a public service” in leaking….hypocrisy or doubletalk?
--VICE report on HBO interviewed Snowden and Jason Leopold, cites CIA unsent apology letter that Leopold got by mistake [I forgot to mention this in the podcast.]
--as Monsanto considers takeover bid from Bayer, the legacy of Roundup is detectable in tampons, 93% of human urine tested
--listener Colleen McGuire shares her story of a TSA officer who has doubts about the body scanners, and could get fired or jailed for talking about them