PBC News & Comment: Sanders Campaign Slams DNC, Threatens Lawsuit

Sanders campaign manager says DNC trying to “undermine” it after reporting software glitch that briefly exposed Clinton files on voters…..
--Sanders turns up the heat on Clinton over her cheerleading for regime change in Libya, in Guardian interview
--in San Bernardino, Farook’s friend Enrique Marquez is charged with buying the rifles used in killing spree after confessing to 911 operator and FBI. Vice report by Jason Leopold is here
--new details on Farook’s alleged Facebook posts surface as NY Times admits it got the story wrong, and its public editor offers blistering criticism
--across America, crimes against Muslims have tripled since Dec. 2
--NJ Gov. Christie acts on Obama’s demand, bans gun sales to people on the no-fly and terrorist watch lists—an idea that seems sensible, but adds to police state
--in trick poll, 30% of Republicans support bombing of Agrabah, a fictional town in the Aladdin movie
--Brazil blocks, then restores “Whats App” service in struggle over encryption
--conciliation seems to be in the air: 2 factions in Libya sign unity pact; Israel and Turkey are close to restoring relations broken by Mavi Marmara attack in 2010; Putin wants improved ties with Washington; US and Russia support UN action against Daesh; Iran invites US and Britain to “join hands” with Tehran to beat Daesh, end Syrian war
--BUT, Gareth Porter explains that the US peace process is illusory, as long as Obama insists that Assad must step down
--in my Processing Distortion podcast at BoilingFrogsPost, former drone warrior Cian Westmoreland warns of blowback, and explains the personal price he’s paid
--Obama, stingy with his unlimited pardon power, commutes the sentences of 95 prisoners, pardons 2 before leaving for Kailua for the holidays