PBC News & Comment: Sadness Blankets the Homeland as Carly Fiorina Quits

Queen of Mean Carly Fiorina yields to reality, fires staff and shuts down campaign at same time as Chris Christie….--Sanders supporters are stunned by inner workings of Dem primary system, and the role of superdelegates who mostly supported Clinton in 2008
--in PBS debate in Milwaukee tonight, will Sanders and Clinton face any questions about surveillance, Ed Snowden and the loss of 4th amendment rights?
--placing 2nd in New Hampshire, John Kasich gets tagged as a moderate, which is largely untrue, as The Guardian reports
--Rep. Alan Grayson, fiery progressive now seeking Marco Rubio’s senate seat in Florida, has a secret life as a hedge fund manager
--in Oregon, last 4 occupiers are negotiating a probable end to the standoff, as Cliven Bundy is arrested in Portland
--as Ferguson city council balks at costs of reforms, Justice Dept. files lawsuit to force compliance
--in latest outrage, Cleveland sues to collect $500 ambulance fee from family of Tamir Rice
--prosecutions from decades ago for torture and other crimes move forward in Germany, South Africa, Romania….but not in America
--French foreign minister quits, blames US for mess in Syria
--Guardian report says Putin “is running rings around the west” in Syria
--Iraqi forces claim they have liberated Ramadi
--Princeton University opens difficult dialogue about the racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson