PBC News & Comment: Is Russian Hacking Story Latest “War of the Worlds”?

Like Orson Welles’ 1938 radio drama, “War of the Worlds”, US media generate hysteria—with no evidence—around “Russian hacking”….--in 25-page report, NY Times adds new details and timeline of events, but cites no new evidence from its anonymous intelligence sources
--based on the same information, and no evidence, Times also claims that Congressional races were interfered with, too
--at The Intercept, Sam Biddle combs through the reports, finds major lack of evidence, especially to support US retaliation against Russia
--curiously, the Director of National Intelligence, proven perjurer James Clapper, has not endorsed CIA assessment leaked last week
--in my latest in-depth interview, Vice reporter Jason Leopold also challenges the evidence-free assertions, and in this excerpt, comments on the fate of Senate’s CIA torture review
--Leopold’s latest FOIA suits demand FBI release records on Clinton email investigation, FBI internal dissension, and FBI contacts with Breitbart “News”
--in separate suit, NY Judge orders FBI to produce any warrants issued to Anthony Weiner for his laptop
--on Monday, Ninth Circuit appeals court in San Francisco heard arguments in war crimes case against Bush, covered only by Daily Kos and Russia’s Sputnik
--in Ohio, Gov. Kasich vetoes “fetal heartbeat” abortion ban, and signs 20-week ban with limited exception
--in last gasp, Obama administration issues rules to bar states from withholding federal money from Planned Parenthood
--2 versions of EPA report on drinking water contamination from fracking: Shadowproof and AP
--as Syria claims victory in Aleppo, IS retakes Palmyra and nearby chemical weapon attack is reported
--the beleaguered city of Oakland is being shaken down by the NFL Raiders, again, and pledges $250 million in cash and property to keep the team
--New report shows that pubic hair groomers get more STD's