PBC News & Comment: Prosecutors Grabbed Email, Phone Records of NY Times Reporter

Investigation of leaks from Senate Intel staffer led to collection of data on reporter Ali Watkins; curiously, NY Times downplays story….--the best coverage so far is from Kevin Gosztola at Shadowproof ;  WashPost’s Margaret Sullivan’s report is pretty good, too
--China is blamed for hacking of Navy contractor that leaked sensitive info on undersea warfare
--that Russian hacking of the DNC? Still unproven, says former CIA analyst Ray McGovern
--Mueller adds new obstruction charges for Manafort, and includes his Russian associate Kilimnik
--petty and petulant, Trump’s attitude preceded his arrival at G-7 summit in Quebec, where he will burn bridges, offend allies, and leave early
--leak from White House says economic advisers know that Trump’s irrational trade war will hurt the US economy
--creating his own reality, Trump says breaking Iran deal has worked, and will have good influence on North Korea talks
--Trump marginalizes Jeff Sessions again, saying he would support bill to allow states to legalize cannabis
--Rudy 9/11’s comments in Israel about Stormy and Little Kim draw stern replies from Melania and Pompeo
--reporter Steve Horn has shifted from the enviro beat to criminal justice, and reports on the DNA tactics used to track alleged Golden State Killer
--Horn also comments on the pro-Dem tilt of environmental reporting
--the battle over superdelegates continues, as DNC meets in Rhode Island
--unidentified Saudi-American man who has been held by the US in Syria may be released, over his own objections
--Facebook waited 16 days to tell users that private posts of 14 million were actually public
--Facebook is hiring fake news snoopers
--Google says it won’t develop AI weapons, but will still take Pentagon money
--in fresh podcast at WhoWhatWhy, Serhii Plokhy explains how the Chernobyl nuclear disaster led to the end of the USSR