PBC News & Comment: Prisoners Are Swapped As Iran Nuke Deal Takes Effect

Last minute snags at Tehran airport as Jason Rezaian’s mother and wife were held, then released with him amid confusion…--prisoner exchange and quick release of wayward sailors suggest improved relations, but missile test and Ayatollah comments are problematic
--Republicans are still trying to score cheap political points over capture and release of sailors in Persian Gulf, don’t admit they strayed into Iranian waters
--new UN report details war crimes, possible genocide, by Islamic State, including holding up to 3,500 Yazidis as slaves
--new analysis by former State Dept. officer Peter van Buren recounts US failure to stop IS, says it’s time to pull out
--final Dem debate before primaries shows Sanders on ascent, but Clinton is good at spin and half-truths
--NY Times reports Clinton campaign team “regrets not attacking Sanders earlier”
--on MSNBC, Hillary slimed Bernie for having adopted grandchildren—hers is real
--new documentary on serial sexter Anthony Wiener brings his wife Huma into the spotlight, raising questions about her role as top Clinton confidante
--Black Lives Matter protesters blocked San Francisco-Oakland bridge on MLK Day, others prevented Mayor Ed Lee from speaking at MLK event
--Eagles founding member Glenn Frey dies at age 67