PBC News & Comment: Pressure Builds to Dump Gen. Shinseki, But That Won’t Fix the V.A.

Pressure builds on Obama to fire VA chief Gen. Shinseki, but the hypo-critics in Congress won’t cough up needed fundingClick here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!
–Jason Leopold filed FOIA request at NSA  on the volume of FOIA requests since Snowden leaks last year, in the Guardian
–in this excerpt from our in-depth interview, Prof. Suzanna Walters says marriage equality isn’t the only focus of gay liberation movement
–Google finally reveals gender, ethnic breakdown of its mostly white, male workforce
–British inquest into Iraq war demands papers of Blair & Bush meetings
–PANDA and Rustic Justice concert in Albany NY June 7, details here
–in Sacramento, important progressive legislation is being killed: fracking moratorium, GMO labeling, oil tax, vehicle-tracking limitations all defeated
–California’s June 3 primary ballot offers few major contests, and some freaky candidates