PBC News & Comment: Prepare To Get Royally Screwed!

If GOP tax cuts pass, we the “little people” will get the shaft, as corporations and Trump cronies get huge tax cuts funded by borrowing…--Senate bill is still being tweaked after committee vote, and more damage can be done in conference committee if it passes
--long-term tax evaders like Apple and GE would get massive benefits on offshore profits, based on proven false promise of job creation
--Surprise! Trump-appointed federal judge rules in favor of Trump’s brazen move to install Nick Mulvaney as acting director of CFPB
--Latest tweetstorm by Trump draws rebuke from British prime minister for promoting anti-Muslim videos from UK nationalist fringe party
--NY Times takes down Trump for claiming “Access Hollywood” pussy-grabbing tape was doctored
--NBC fires Matt Lauer, and Minnesota Public Radio dumps Garrison Keillor after harassment accusations
--Ahmed Khattala, accused ringleader of Benghazi attack, is acquitted of murder but convicted of conspiracy after witnesses were paid $7 million plus
--Vice posts eye-opening report by Nick Turse, revealing that US has commandos in 33 African nations
--after Yugoslav war tribunal sentenced Croatian for war crimes, Slobodan Praljik slams down liquid poison, and dies hours later
--Sens. Sanders and Warren propose $146 billion “Marshall Plan” for Puerto Rico
--federal judge dismisses “laudable” suit against domestic NSA surveillance, based on widely-abused legal standing issue
--new report says 75% of Android apps have undisclosed tracking capabilities
--in Georgia, Democratic candidate for governor, Stacey Abrams, declares her loyalty to Israel while opposing BDS sanctions law