PBC News & Comment: Politico Displays an Example of Journalism

Honoring our late friend Richard Rapaport, fearless political reporter, we note some real political journalism at Politico, criticizing Politico reporter…..--Jack Shafer combed through Podesta’s hacked emails, and exposes reporters who kissed his ass
--ex-FBI official says “quid pro quo” over Benghazi email was discussed, but not consummated
--Trump calls for term limits for Congress, requiring constitutional amendment
--Trump urges followers to be vigilantes at polls on election day, stoking fears of attempted voter intimidation
--in Arizona, election protectors led by John Brakey uncovers “ballot images” retained by tabulators that can be used to audit elections
--Czech police arrest Russian hacker in Prague, but no connection to recent hacks is shown
--at The Guardian, Trevor Timm offers some rational comments on the irrational plans to cyber attack Russia
--Ecuador confirms it cut off Assange’s internet access, as it belatedly says it wants to be neutral in US election
--Shadowproof gets comments from filmmaker Deia Schlosberg, who is facing charges for covering tar sands pipeline shutdown by activists
--Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) who hopes to run the Senate next year, is already dangling a huge tax break for corporate cheaters who stash cash overseas