PBC News & Comment: Patriotic Leaker Chelsea Manning is Released!

Irony alert:  Chelsea Manning leaves Leavenworth as anonymous official leakers flood Washington brazenly, with impunity and Trump loses GOP support…--high-level FBI leakers read alleged Comey memo about Trump meeting to NY Times reporter
--Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) once again shows he’s a constitutionalist, says impeachment likely if memo is accurate
--long reluctant to investigate Republicans, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) pounces, demanding Comey memos from acting FBI Director
--on transcontinental flight, PBC watched cable news coverage of unfolding story, with maddening repetition of Comey B-roll and Republicans on MSNBC
--did Trump commit “obstruction of justice”? Obama got away with it on Gitmo, Wall Street crimes
--Trevor Timm notes how corporate media overlooked Trump’s first comment to Comey, urging him to prosecute journalists
--FBI used fake journalist to gather incriminating evidence on the Cliven Bundy clan, reports The Intercept
--after planning huge cuts to Coast Guard budget, Trump speaks to Academy grads, and feels sorry for himself
--Trump’s visit with Turkey’s strongman Erdogan, and protester attacks by Erdogan’s bodyguards get lost in the news cacophony
--and so does the latest reporting on dead DNC staffer Seth Rich, who likely was the leaker of DNC emails
--Trump’s intelligence sharing with Russians draws Putin offer to share “record” of the meeting
--Trump mollifies Netanyahu in phone call, in advance of his visit to Israel Friday
--the ransomware “WannaCry” was stolen from NSA, and based on NSA exploits of “Zero Day” software code, as NSA whistleblower Bill Binney has warned; Sam Biddle has good background at The Intercept
--North Korea is blamed for WannaCry, but it could be anyone