PBC News & Comment: Part 2, Russia Hacking Hysteria and UN Vote on Israeli Settlements

Obama’s declaration of sanctions on Russia based on unproven hacking claims, and his bold UN move, too little, too late…Program Note: Based on user feedback, we are experimenting with 2 daily podcasts of about 15 minutes each.  The first will cover top stories of the day, the second will focus on one or more major stories.  Please share your comments, email peter@peterbcollins.com
--Obama announced sanctions after DHS and FBI issued December 29 statement with no new evidence
--NY Times, which has been peddling the fact-free myths, editorializes support
--in scripted drama, Putin rejects retaliatory sanctions against US
--Julian Assange tells Sean Hannity: Russia was not source for WikiLeaks
--Washington Post published fake news about Russian hack of Vermont utility, and Glenn Greenwald takes them down
--cybersecurity consultant Trent Lapinksi finds misleading arguments and no new evidence in December 29 report
--Obama did the right thing by not vetoing UN resolution against Israeli settlements
--Philip Weiss at MondoWeiss offers excellent analysis
--Columbia professor Rashid Khalidi has some good comments, too
--not all American Jews are Zionists, many agree with Obama/Kerry
--trying to kiss Trump’s ass, UK Prime Minister criticizes Kerry’s speech
--is Netanyahu using UN vote to distract from criminal investigation?
--Israeli minister adds gas to the fire, plans law to annex major settlement