PBC News & Comment: Our News Junkie Friend Jason Leopold Makes the Front Page of New York Times

FOIA’s frequent filer and VICE reporter Jason Leopold gets well-deserved recognition for his excellent work based on government documents…..
Read the Leopold story here
--as Gen. Wesley Clark and many of my Facebook friends call Chattanooga shooting “terrorism”, FBI finds no proof and Greenwald makes a great argument: killing soldiers isn’t “terrorism”
--unfazed by the evidence, Rep. McCaul calls Chattanooga terrorism, and says FBI has foiled over 60 plots by “Isis followers” in past year, no evidence offered
--to grease the path of Iran deal, Obama offers billions in additional military aid to Israel; Iran’s Supreme Leader seems to approve the deal, UN Security Council votes 15-0 to lift sanctions from Iran
--to block the path of Iran deal, AIPAC has set up Orwellian Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, 4 retired senators sign up to promote Israel in conflict with Obama
--sealing Obama’s best-yet foreign policy move, Havana and Washington re-open their embassies, Kerry will go to Cuba in August
--WikiLeaks reveals document showing NSA helped CIA buffalo European allies about rendition flights, especially Germany in the el Masri case
--PBC declares that partisan lockdown on honest criticism of Obamacare is lifted, in new interview with veteran journalist Trudy Lieberman
--selective GOP outrage surfaces, as the Donald’s verbal slash and burn tour continues: he can slime Mexicans, but not John McCain
--at Netroots, rude activists with a valid message interrupt and heckle Sanders and O’Malley
--Bill Cosby’s doodoo deepens as NY Times reports on 10-year-old deposition
--in new wave of hacker puritanism, website that hooks up cheating spouses is threatened with exposure