PBC News & Comment: Oliver Stone’s “Snowden” Adds Much to Whistleblower’s Story

In nationwide premier, Stone’s new film “Snowden” adds important personal and career info to NSA leaker’s story, motivation, and actions…..--Leopold also comments on latest lawsuit against IRS for Trump audit files, the latest on Clinton emails and The Guardian’s series on Senate torture report
--Leopold’s latest article is on a report from Director of National Intelligence about former Guantanamo prisoners who returned “to terrorist activies”
--Sen. Elizabeth Warren grills FBI Director on Wall Street criminals who never got indicted, despite the careful work of the Angelides Commission
--FBI clears FBI of any wrongdoing in Seattle case where agents used lies and fake news reports to trick suspect with computer malware—but it’s no longer OK.  Shadowproof has the story
--our friend Bob Fitrakis, running for prosecutor in Columbus, Ohio, was at a forum on police violence when he learned of fatal shooting of 13-year-old by, a block from Fitrakis’ home
--Sandra Bland’s family settles lawsuit for $1.9 million
--rapper Jay Z says the War on Some Drugs is “epic fail”, in op-ed and short film
--UC Santa Barbara sociology Professor Lisa Hajjar speaks out against UC Berkeley’s suspension of student-led class on Palestine
--call or email Gov. Brown  and urge a veto of AB2844: here’s the message I sent:
AB 2844 is a dangerous incursion on free speech rights, and uses a state boycott to punish people who wish to use their First Amendment rights to boycott the State of Israel. Such a boycott is not de facto anti-semitic, which this bill suggests--without any definition or legal standard for a finding of anti-semitism.
Please veto AB 2844, Governor Brown!