PBC News & Comment: Obama Should Call 47 GOP Senators “Traitors”

Senate GOP’s unprecedented interference in Iran negotiations is risky, treasonous move driven by crazy idealogues seeking more wars…
--Iran’s lead negotiator slams GOP tactics, and offers some lessons on international law
--lead author of poison letter, freshman Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas speaks to group of defense contractors today
--signaling failure of unity government, Palestinian Authority arrests 100 Hamas, Islamic Jihad supporters
--7 days before Israeli election, NY Times runs profile of Isaac Herzog, who could beat Netanyahu
--NY Times also analyzes Elizabeth Warren’s prospects in a presidential run in 2016
--Snowden docs show CIA has been trying to hack Apple devices for 10 years
--Wikipedia to NSA: stop spying on our users!
--in Guardian op-ed, Chelsea Manning says American torturers must face the law
--Germany files war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney etal
brought by Michael Ratner’s European Center for Constitutional Rights
--US Supreme Court rejects two appeals from Guantanamo
--Obama announces sanctions on Venezuelans, citing “national security threat”
--unarmed, naked black man shot by cops near Atlanta
--in Boston bomber trial, FBI fumbles evidence